> On 16 Jan 2016, at 16:47, Nick Howitt <n...@howitts.co.uk> wrote:
> Only  since 2.10 or 2.11. It was added because of a discussion with me on 
> these lists. My distro (RHEL6 related) is stuck on 2.6.6. At some point, when 
> it is more stable I'll update to my distro's RHEL7 derivative. I can't help 
> the ISP but he eventually backed down some time after I had stunnel working 
> and I have not undone it.

Can you install the gf repo? http://ghettoforge.org/index.php/Main_Page

At work we run Scientific Linux 6.6 and enable gf-plus just for postfix*
No problems with dependencies or conflicts.
# yum list installed 'postfix*'
postfix.x86_64                       2:2.11.3-1.gf.el6         @gf-plus/6.6
postfix-perl-scripts.x86_64          2:2.11.3-1.gf.el6         @gf-plus/6.6

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