When you click the message in Spam folder, Gmail displays a banner which gives 
you a clue why the message was marked as spam.
The reason can be one of many:

Many people indicated similar message as spam.
It's similar to messages that were detected by our spam filters.
Messages from domain.tld are considered spam.


Try to send different messages in your tests. Not Suject: test, body: test.


In hotmail, view source, you have x-message-delivery: base64-key.

Decode that base64 key and see the SCL score. Above 4 is bad.

Also, hotmail provides a reason why the message was delivered to Spam folder: 
you are not interested or the SmartScreen detected as spam.


Check your IP and domain in multirbl.valli.org






From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org [mailto:owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org] 
On Behalf Of z...@oper.hu
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 8:45 PM
To: Andrew Beverley
Cc: postfix-users@postfix.org
Subject: Re: sent mail goes into spam


Which regards the IP, this IP already know. What I did I replaced the mail 
system. The orginal was postfix 2.5.5, the new is 2.11.0. Thanks for the idea 
of DKIM I will look the detail and I also continue search for the archives.

Reagrds - Zoli

2015-06-16 19:26 időpontban Andrew Beverley ezt írta:

On Tue, 2015-06-16 at 17:04 +0200, z...@oper.hu wrote:

When my useres send mail most of the mails goes into spam.

When you start sending from a "new" IP address, it is not unusual for
the big email providers to "spam" your mail initially, until they get an
idea of what's coming from your server and know that they can trust it.
You should also sign your emails with DKIM. I have seen that make the
different between going to spam and not.
As Christian says, this has been discussed before, so worth searching
the archives.




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