Am 14.02.2015 um 20:14 schrieb Brad s:
? Verbose logs in no way indicates software functioning properly.


* you don't find the problem otherwise the thread won't exist
* nobody but you is interested in verbose logs
* so if you need help from others provide the informations
  asked or have a ncide day by find the solution at your own

If I add my ip address to mynetworks (which is dead wrong) I can see the
mail make it farther in the system but then gets caught in match classes
for the destination domain (which is also dead wrong).
it should be any IP source /  any destination domain


* disable verbose logging
* post the *relevant* log lines from connection to reject

do you have at least fixed the typo "smtpd_relay_restriciton" postconf shows you clearly and two people pointed at?

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