Hi there,

On 02/04/2015 11:06 PM, li...@rhsoft.net wrote:

the truth is that a xx.xx.xx.xx-static-dsl.isp.tld is not a mailserver
just becaus eit contains the word "static" - in fact most of them are
ordinary office dsl lines with clients behind

True. Not nessassarily a mail server, but it could be.

In Hungary a business line from one of the largest ISPs gives PTR like this: dslXXXXXXXX.fixip.t-online.hu

(XXXXXXXX is actualy some rendom hex number).
The ISP does not provide a way to change this PTR.

Many small companies here run their own mailservers on behind thos dls lines together with their client machines.

Not a vewry good idea to block those IMO.


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