Personally for me, it's an interesting situation: DSPAM works, but tags
only local mail; other mail is delivered as if there's no content filter at
all. Maybe something is wrong with my "" file?

If anyone here used Postfix with DSPAM, please take a look at my Postfix
configs, I'm stuck in this situation and don't know what troubleshooting
steps to take further.

Thanks in advance!

2015-01-29 11:03 GMT+04:00 Орхан Ибад-оглы Гасымов <>:

> I read the file "postfix.txt" in shared docs of DSPAM, but I can't make
> DSPAM insert any headers into mails if I only specify it as a content
> filter under "smtp" in "", and not under "smtps". Probably my
> configuration files (with stripped comments) will explain everything better:
> dspam.conf:
> For simplicity of my first setup, I installed DSPAM on the same machine as
> Postfix, and configured it to use, not other DB drivers.
> Software versions are the latest DSPAM and Postfix installed on FreeBSD
> 10.0. I didn't change too many defaults in configs, but maybe I've
> misconfigured something so obvious that any experienced user will be able
> to point it out right away.
> Please help me to find the error, any help is highly appreciated!
> 2015-01-28 23:05 GMT+04:00 Орхан Ибад-оглы Гасымов <>:
>> "...on the dspam list are for sure more people using dspam as here" -
>> probably correct.
>> That's why I started conversation with a question: "Did anyone had this
>> type of misconfiguration before?" If nobody on this list ever used DSPAM,
>> then there's no point to bother list users with questions about Postfix -
>> DSPAM interaction.
>> 2015-01-28 22:50 GMT+04:00 <>:
>>> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:44:27PM +0400, Орхан Ибад-оглы Гасымов wrote:
>>> > Thanks for your reply.
>>> >
>>> > 2. "...dspam is abandonware" - thanks for an interesting piece of
>>> > information.
>>> >
>>> This statement is unsupported. It is not being developed agressively
>>> which seems to provoke this person.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ken

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