On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:36:51AM +0200, Sean Durkin wrote:

> If it's a middle box somewhere along the way, that's even worse.
> Even more different people potentially involved...

I would rent a backup MX server (deploy identical anti-spam policies,
and lists of valid recipients, ...) at a different site, which
relays mail to your primary.  If no problems are not observed at
that server, make it the primary (cut over) and stop paying for
the original server.

Let the vendor know that there is a network problem at the present
location.  You can refer them to this thread.


It should be in their interest to fix the problem.  They can deploy
network sniffers upstream from your machine and work with you to
find out what's really happening.  Unless the problem is an NSL
mandated network sniffer upstream of your machine. :-)


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