Am 18.06.2014 15:59, schrieb
Am 18.06.2014 15:49, schrieb Jürgen Herrmann:
I have a problem with the following pcre table:

if !/X-Spam-Level:.*\*{7,}/
/X-Spam-Flag:.*YES/ HOLD
/X-Spam-Level:.*\*{7,}/ DISCARD

the HOLD part of it is executed. the DISCARD part never matches.

I also had a version with
/X-Spam-Level: \*{7,}/
instead of

and also the following version does never discard any mails:

/X-Spam-Flag:.*YES/ HOLD
/X-Spam-Level:.*\*{7,}/ DISCARD

are you aware that you *must not* answer with 250 OK and the
silently discard messages? the spamfilter belongs *pre-queue*
and you have to REJECT spam, after you receive it and answer
with "250 OK" you have to deliver the message - period
"and the ability to use before-queue content filtering"

fix your setup and get rid of the broken pcre-after-queue idea

this is in a milter_header_checks and on a host used as relay
host. so if i reject mail there it would create backscatter via
the relaying host. why not discard mails that are surely spam?

i can only see a solution to this problem when installing SA
on every mailing host, which is what i wanted to avoid.

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