Am 18.06.2014 15:58, schrieb
J?rgen Herrmann:
Hi there!

I have a problem with the following pcre table:

if !/X-Spam-Level:.*\*{7,}/
/X-Spam-Flag:.*YES/ HOLD

As documented in pcre_table(5) and other places:

    if /pattern/flags

endif Match the input string against the patterns between if and
          endif,  if  and only if THAT SAME INPUT STRING also matches pat-
          tern. The if..endif can nest.

In other words, "/X-Spam-Flag:.*YES/ HOLD" executes always.

Hmm, i have a ! before the if-pattern.

       if !/pattern/flags

endif Match the input string against the patterns between if and endif, if and only if that same input string does not match pat-
              tern. The if..endif can nest.

I read that like this:
/X-Spam-Flag:.*YES/ HOLD
is only executed if
DOS NOT MATCH - correct?

Second, your patterns will match "X-Spam-Flag:.*YES" in the middle
of a line. use /^X-Spam.../ instead.


OK, will do that.

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