Am 08.10.2013 15:16, schrieb Michael Orlitzky:
> On 10/08/2013 01:44 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> Understood.  For a more permanent solution to this script problem, you
>> may want to consider locking down or disabling the pickup service, and
>> configuring all web applications and MUAs to use the submission service
>> with auth.  This will prevent such scripts from being able to send mail
>> in the event some crafty soul is able to get one uploaded via something
>> other than FTP.
> Having mail() as the universal interface is nice while you're developing
> in PHP, since there's no need to fiddle with the settings when moving
> between development and production

well, any software i ever developed from 2003 on is using if
available without authentication and the configured autentication and SMTP
host otherwise

on no webserver postfix is listening on
it listens explicitly on a virtual interface and only there

the other option is use
and consider a hostname-scheme for development machines

these are all things which are solveable

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