On 2013.10.08 09:16:11 +0200, li...@rhsoft.net wrote: 
> i never allowed any webserver in the past 10 years to
> use the sendmail binary for a lot of reasons like header
> injections and so on 

Good, but possibly would not have helped. For me it looks obvious like
'Stealrat' which opens a socket too. I never used PHP in the past 10
years would be more convincing. However, I agree using a mail relay and
mail storage on one maschine with a webserver is too much.
if(@mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $reply . $type, "-f$sender"))
  die(chr(79) . chr(75) . md5(1234567890) . "+0");


if(!in_array('fsockopen', $config))
  $socket = @fsockopen($address, 25, $errno, $errstr, 20);
elseif(!in_array('pfsockopen', $config))
  $socket = @pfsockopen($address, 25, $errno, $errstr, 20);


Best regards,

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