On 10/08/2013 11:16 PM, postfix wrote: > Mail from our system wasn't accepted oftentimes by Google either. > I discovered the following solution: Our mail server has got two IPv6 > addresses in the open Internet, one is specific, the other one > automatically created. The first one was in the DNS, the second one not. > I noticed that many times messages where sent using the automatically > generated IPv6 address, which were the mails Google rejected.
I've had this issue before. My solution was to turn off ipv6 autoconf in the kernel since I do not want IPs that I do not explicitly assign. > Since I > introduced the automatically generated IPv6 address into the DNS, Google > accepts all mail from our server. To me this is a bad idea, you're working around the issue instead of fixing the real issue which is that you're getting IPs on your server that you didn't configure for. Peter