Thanks for all the answers!

They helped me quite a lot  :)


Héctor Moreno Blanco

-----Mensaje original-----
De: [] En 
nombre de Reindl Harald
Enviado el: jueves, 09 de mayo de 2013 14:27
Asunto: Re: Reject email

Am 09.05.2013 14:14, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> On 5/9/2013 5:28 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 09.05.2013 12:24, schrieb Héctor Moreno Blanco:
>>> I would like to reject an email if the MX does not exist. We have
>>> enable the setting /reject_unknown_sender_domain/ and
>>> /reject_unknown_recipient_domain/. However, if the domain has DNS
>>> and resolves it, the message is sent, and we don't want that
>> this is a completly broken idea
> Not completely broken.  It's not really "no MX" that Hector is after,
> but undeliverable sender addresses in snowshoe spam.  "No MX" would
> fall under this umbrella

if you have a A-record for "" and you incoming mail-server is on 
this IP you do not need any MX record and postfix will happily use the A-record 
to deliver mail

another story is if there is a MX-Record but the listed hostname does not 
resolve and at least for me the intention of "if the MX does not exist" is not 
clear enough if it means

a) no MX record for the domain
b) a MX record with a non-resloving hostname

reject b) would be fine
reject a) would be stupid

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Gracias por su colaboracion.


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