Actually I have TLS working both internally and externally. The only problem I 
was experiencing that I could adequately describe to the list was internally to 
my exchange servers. It was 100% repeatable.  My theory was that if I resolved 
the internal problem any other similar related problems would be fixed as well.

Thank you again to everyone who helped me resolve my issue. Everything seems 
fine today.


On Dec 13, 2012, at 1:27 AM, "Stan Hoeppner" <> wrote:

> On 12/12/2012 6:05 PM, Tony Nelson wrote:
>> I think it's in my best interest to get TLS operational again.
> So, you encrypt the transmission from the internal corporate groupware
> server to the gateway server via a private network that you completely
> control.  But then you relay the same message over the public internet
> in plain text.
> There seems to be a flaw in your logic, in your threat assessment.  Your
> stated posture makes it seem you are more worried about malicious packet
> sniffing inside your perimeter than outside.
> --
> Stan

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