Tomas Macek:
> On Fri, 30 Nov 2012, Wietse Venema wrote:
> > Tomas Macek:
> >> There is still one thing, that I don't understand: when exactly the
> >> postfix says that he is not stressed and restarts the processes with
> >> stress=no?
> >> This is not done when less then default_process_limit smtpd processes are
> >> run, because I experienced on my system (default_process_limit = 200),
> >> that smtpd with stress=yes were run when there were just 121 smtpd's run
> >> in total. Strange?
> >
> > Strange, do you really expect Postfix to flip status immediately
> > when load drops under the limit, or do you expect it to behave in
> > a more rational manner and announce that "peace has come" when the
> > load has stayed under the limit for some minimal amount of time?
> And what is the minimal amount of time? I'm still unable to find it, how 
> much time that means.

This is part of the common-sense safety engineering that has gone
into building Postfix. I don't think it is reasonable to expect
that all those details are spelled out in documentation.  The
interested reader can explore the source code.

Unlike the behavior that is promised in the Postfix documentation,
I am at liberty to change internals.  In the rare case that this
changes the documented behavior, then I provide an elaborate safety
net so that the change will not break existing configurations.

You're welcome to explore Postfix internals, but there are no
guarantees that what you see will be there in the next release.  If
your configuration depends on the exact details of Postfix internals,
then your configuration will break without prior warning. No safety
nets will be provided for changes in internals.


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