--On Monday, October 01, 2012 5:28 PM -0400 Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

Wietse Venema:
Quanah Gibson-Mount:
> I got a complaint from a client that postfix is returning a "5.0.0"
> DSN  when emails are sent to an unknown user.  I believe this is to
> prevent  backscatter.  In any case, it appears this 5.0.0 DSN response
> is hard coded  into the error daemon?
> > From my logs I see:
> Oct  1 13:11:07 zre-ldap002 postfix/smtp[8257]: 000501E37BC:
> to=<badu...@zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com>,
> relay=[]:10026,  delay=0.22, delays=0.03/0/0/0.19,
> dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 from  MTA(smtp:[]:10025):
> 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 2D0711E37BE) Oct  1 13:11:07 zre-ldap002
> postfix/qmgr[23910]: 000501E37BC: removed Oct  1 13:11:07 zre-ldap002
> postfix/error[8324]: 2D0711E37BE:
> to=<badu...@zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com>, relay=none, delay=0.06,
> delays=0.03/0/0/0.02, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced
> (zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com)
> And in the source I see:
>         if (strcmp(service, MAIL_SERVICE_ERROR) == 0)
>             status = deliver_message(request, "5.0.0", bounce_append);

The error daemon uses "5.0.0" as the **default** status code, when
whoever decided to route mail to the error daemon did not provide
a valid status code.

There are tons of ways that mail can resolve to the error mailer;
some may even be specified in access maps or transport maps.

If the error is "User unknown in virtual alias table", then the fix
is in trivial-rewrite/resolve.c:

<           vstring_sprintf(nexthop, "User unknown%s",
          vstring_sprintf(nexthop, "5.1.1 User unknown%s",

It the error is different, then I'll have to wait for more specific

Thanks Wietse,

We do use LDAP for our transport map for delivery:

zimbra@zre-ldap002:~/conf$ cat ldap-transport.cf
server_host = ldap://zre-ldap002.eng.vmware.com:389
server_port = 389
search_base =
query_filter = (&(|(zimbraMailDeliveryAddress=%s)(zimbraDomainName=%s))(zimbraMailStatus=enabled))
result_attribute = zimbraMailTransport
version = 3
start_tls = yes
tls_ca_cert_dir = /opt/zimbra/conf/ca
bind = yes
bind_dn = uid=zmpostfix,cn=appaccts,cn=zimbra
bind_pw = xxxxxxxxx
timeout = 30

I read the page on transport maps, but I don't see a bit in there for setting the recipient unknown dsn code.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sr. Member of Technical Staff
Zimbra, Inc
A Division of VMware, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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