On 2/23/2012 7:33 PM, rg86...@airpost.net wrote:
> Success.


> I note the DISCARD action is now triggered -->
> <s...@mail.rogermail.lan>: Recipient address triggers DISCARD action;
> Although I don't specifically see a second DISCARD for the 2nd, 'valid'
> recipient address, it's never delivered.  I'm guessing that that DISCARD
> does effectively prevent subsequent delivery/processing of the *message*
> for any/all of the recipients.  

One of the things I really like about Postfix is the remarkably
complete and accurate documentation.  You can reliably expect the
program to behave like the docs say.  Example from

       DISCARD optional text...
              Claim  successful delivery and silently discard the
              message.  Log the optional text if specified,  oth-
              erwise log a generic message.

              Note:  this action currently affects all recipients
              of the message.   To  discard  only  one  recipient
              without  discarding  the  entire  message,  use the
              transport(5) table to direct mail to the discard(8)

I also like that the normal non-debug logging tells you just about
everything important, and yet contains very little non-relevant
fluff.  So once DISCARD is triggered and logged, you can expect the
entire message and all recipients to be discarded.

> I'd like to prove affirmatively to
> myself that that's the case, rather than simply make an assumption based
> on lack of delivery.  

Grep the log for the QUEUEID of the message in question to see where
the message came from and how it was disposed.

> Perhaps more verbose logging and/or an additional
> bit of reading will help there.

For fun you can increase the log verbosity (see DEBUG_README), but
that generally just hides the important stuff in a pile of unrelated

  -- Noel Jones

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