Al Zick:
> I am not trying to start a flame war with anyone. Obviously you  
> understand what effective spam filtering should look like.
> Here is where I am at: I had about 10 of RBLs at one time (including  
> some of the ones you mentioned), but I slowly removed them. What do  
> you do when people that you need to be in contact with everyday are  
> being blocked? I guess that you can use them if you don't mind having  
> an ever growing whitelist. Can they they be weighted somehow?

Making a decision based on different attributes is better done with
amavisd-new and spamassassin (the Postfix 2.8 postscreen daemon has
support for DNSBL/WL weighting, but it does not allow other factors
to speak in favor of a specific message). The Postfix features are
best used for mail that you definitely don't want to receive.


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