
On Jan 13, 2012, at 5:52 PM, /dev/rob0 wrote:

On Friday 13 January 2012 16:57:21 Al Zick wrote:
On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:57 AM, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Aurre wrote:
Apart from this if you use some trustable RBL, perhaps
greylisting and you update Spamassassin rules regularly...
you should be pretty fine..

I am not using spamassassin, or greylisting, and I just removed
the RBL's because of waaaaaay too many false positives.

This is absurd. It surely means you chose some overly-aggressive (not
trustable) DNSBLs. To say that all DNSBLs cause loss of mail is
ridiculous. Why didn't you even consider it worth mentioning what
lists you were using

I am not trying to start a flame war with anyone. Obviously you understand what effective spam filtering should look like.

Here is where I am at: I had about 10 of RBLs at one time (including some of the ones you mentioned), but I slowly removed them. What do you do when people that you need to be in contact with everyday are being blocked? I guess that you can use them if you don't mind having an ever growing whitelist. Can they they be weighted somehow?


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