On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 11:03:44PM +1300, Peter wrote:
> There are (at least) two options for you:
> 1.  postfixadmin comes with a vacation program that works with virtual
> users and can work by modifying SQL tables to change aliases for those
> users.  This is compatible with special extensions for squirrlmail and
> roundcube.  This used to be my older solution and works well.

Would postfixadmin's vacation program require using postfixadmin itself?

> 2.  As Jeroen mentioned, you can use the Dovecot LDA for delivery and
> install sieve.  This is also compatible with extenstions for both
> roundcube and squirrlmail.  This has the advantage that you get the
> other features of sieve, such as you can put in default rules to deliver
> spam to a separate folder, and you can allow your users to set their own
> sieve rules to do server-side filtering of emails.  This is what I do
> now for new postfix installs and my clients love having the sieve
> filtering capabilities.

You mention that you do this for new installs.  How hard is it to
convert an existing installation to using Dovecot LDA?

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