On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 09:24:01PM +0100, Michael Maymann wrote:
> thanks for your kind reply...:-) !
> yes this is exactly the case... and my internal local-mailers consist on
> standard RHEL5+6 servers and NetApp's.
> Our ISP is restricting mail from only 1 of our sites, so we need to relay
> all our internal mail globally through this site.
> We can't prevent non-mail applications, as we don't have 100% control of
> all hosts (LAB equipment etc.), so I guess it makes sense to still keep
> local-mailer, at-least just to keep consistency.

If it's for consistency, you would *not* have local mailers,
but you would configure everything to point at your HA postfix
relay. However I personally like local mailers as long as
something is automatically monitoring that they are well, and
you may find programs that will not work otherwise.

> Do you have a howto for this setup laying around somewhere
> (local-mailer -> HA postfix relay) ?:

Not really, but it's basically going through the "basic
configuration readme" and answering

For local mailers:

        What domain name to use in outbound mail: $your_domain.com

        What domains to receive mail for: none at all

        What clients to relay mail from: localhost only

        What destinations to relay mail to: default (nothing)

        What delivery method: indirect:  relayhost = [mailout.$your_domain.com]

For your HA relays:

        What domain name to use in outbound mail: $your_domain.com

        What domains to receive mail for: none at all

        What clients to relay mail from: your local networks

        What destinations to relay mail to: nothing (not applicable)

        What delivery method: direct

Hope this helps.

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