On 12/27/2011 11:26 AM, Michael Maymann wrote:
> Hi all,
> Reindl: Thanks for your reply.
> I guess this is for sending mails from postfix... my setup is
> regarding "linux server->postfix" (so receiving mails, seen from
> postfix point-of-view).
> - how many retries total/per day ?

Retries are controlled by the sending side.  The (postfix) receiver
cannot initiate a retry.

> - what is the difference if I do it "DNS RR"/"MX equal value", do
> you know ?

This affects the sender, not the receiver.  With postfix sending,
there is no difference.

Other software could possibly treat them differently.  There is
anecdotal evidence that some non-postfix software assumes {one MX
hostname, multiple A records} is a single multihome host, and won't
try the second IP if the first is down.

  -- Noel Jones

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