I will get more clear with an example:

yahoo.com has different rejection codes, common of which is TS01. They say,
after TS01, you aren't supposed to attempt delivery for 4 hours. But, the
problem with postfix is that, it will even after many mails getting
deferred, it does not mark the destination dead, and new mails arriving in
the queue will get attempted, and also get TS01, ie. deferred. So, I never
reach the specified time of atleast 4Hrs of non attempt. What I want is
that, after particular number of defers to any domain, it simply mark it
dead for my specified period, and not its own default time.

This is just babout yahoo. There other domains, with their own policies,
which they want us to follow.

Also, the postfix built-in mechanisms are creating a problem,
by repeatedly attempting delivery, and causing the more mails to get
deferred, and ultimately filling up deferred queue. Even if I keep
maximal_queue_lifetime of 1 day, the mails will only get deleted after a
final attempt (whether delivered or deferred).

I have seen almost whole active queue getting filled with such deferred
mails. Even if I limit their pickup, they will still stay in deferred
queue, and fill up the disk. Should I create a different postfix altogether
for such domains?

I am sorry, if my mail seems more on complaining side :(

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

> DN Singh:
> > Yes Jeroen,
> >
> > That is the case. I am suffering backlog of mails to one domain, due to
> its
> > deferral policy. This is why I want to handle it manually. Could you help
> > in the matter?
> If you have backlogs for ONE domain, then Postfix built-in
> mechanisms are already solving the problem for you. The
> visible result of greylisting etc. is that mail will
> stay queued with the sender until their timer expires.
>        Wietse

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