Thanks for the suggestion Robert, but how do I find the time for which
Postfix will not attempt a delivery after reaching the fail limit? Instead
of outsourcing the task to script, and increasing a dependency, it would be
better to keep it with Postfix itself, if possible.

If there aren't any options, I may have to go with the script. Then, I may
need some more help...

DN Singh

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Robert Schetterer <>wrote:

> Am 01.12.2011 08:35, schrieb DN Singh:
> > Hello Group,
> >
> > I am trying some extra configuration for postfix where it would mark
> > some destinations as undeliverable. I have found that there are some
> > destinations, start deferring the mails (may be greylisting) for a
> > particular period of time (times ranging from 1min to 4hrs), and after
> > the time window is over, they accept mails properly. So, I would like to
> > configure per-destination dead time limit, where Postfix would not
> > attempt any delivery at all to a destination for the mentioned time.
> >
> > I tried configuring backoff-time, but it only comes into picture after
> > first attempt, which will get deferred, during time the destination is
> > differing. Next, I found
> > "default_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit", but I was unable
> > to find to time for which it will remain dead. I know this is transport
> > configurable, so I can configure different time limits for different
> > destinations. This is because, I do not want any delivery attempts
> > during the time when a destination is marked dead.
> >
> > Is this possible? If yes, then how?
> >
> > Thanks.
> > DN Singh
> perhaps put some kind of scripted hold on them
> if they are always the same
> or use ideas from
> Postfix version 2.5 and later:
>    In set up a dedicated clone of the "smtp" transport for
> the problem destination. In the example below we call it "slow".
>    In configure a short delay between deliveries to the same
> destination.
>    /etc/postfix/
>        transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
>        slow_destination_rate_delay = 1
>        slow_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit = 100
>    /etc/postfix/transport:
>  slow:
>    /etc/postfix/
>        # service type  private unpriv  chroot  wakeup  maxproc command
>        slow      unix     -       -       n       -       -    smtp
> See also the documentation for default_destination_rate_delay.
> This solution forces the Postfix smtp(8) client to wait for
> $slow_destination_rate_delay seconds between deliveries to the same
> destination.
> IMPORTANT!! The large slow_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit
> value is needed. This prevents Postfix from deferring all mail for the
> same destination after only one connection or handshake error (the
> reason for this is that non-zero slow_destination_rate_delay forces a
> per-destination concurrency of 1).
> --
> Best Regards
> MfG Robert Schetterer
> Germany/Munich/Bavaria

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