On 2011/11/09, at 14:38, Stephen Ingram <sbing...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Michael A. Leonetti
> <mikealeone...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I really wasn't sure of what to title the mail, but.
>> So, I need to get postfix to deliver both locally to the user (which is no
>> problem) and deliver to an external contact. The actual local e-mail address
>> of the user is found in the "mail" attribute, but the external contact to
>> deliver to is located in another DN that is linked back to the main user
>> using the user's DN.
>> For example the user would be located under
>> "cn=Mike,cn=users,dc=server,dc=local" and have the "mail" attribute for the
>> local mailbox.
>> The contact would be located under: "cn=Mike -
>> Blackberry,cn=users,dc=server,dc=local" and have an attribute altRecipientBL
>> that is "cn=Mike,cn=users,dc=server,dc=local" as well as a "mail" attribute
>> containing the external e-mail address.
>> So the goal is to get it to recognize both the local e-mail address as well
>> as the e-mail address of the contact which is only linked by the
>> altRecipientBL.
>> What would be the best way to do this other than scripting?
> Instead of creating another entry in your directory
> (cn=Mike-Blackberry...), why not instead use the mailAlternateAddress
> attribute in your cn=Mike... entry. You can then write your filters in
> such as way that Postfix will only find the right address when needed.
> Steve

Good point. I'm going to do that. Thanks.

- Mike

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