I really wasn't sure of what to title the mail, but. So, I need to get postfix to deliver both locally to the user (which is no problem) and deliver to an external contact. The actual local e-mail address of the user is found in the "mail" attribute, but the external contact to deliver to is located in another DN that is linked back to the main user using the user's DN.
For example the user would be located under "cn=Mike,cn=users,dc=server,dc=local" and have the "mail" attribute for the local mailbox. The contact would be located under: "cn=Mike - Blackberry,cn=users,dc=server,dc=local" and have an attribute altRecipientBL that is "cn=Mike,cn=users,dc=server,dc=local" as well as a "mail" attribute containing the external e-mail address. So the goal is to get it to recognize both the local e-mail address as well as the e-mail address of the contact which is only linked by the altRecipientBL. What would be the best way to do this other than scripting? Thanks.