--On Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:11 PM -0400 "Grobe, Tony"
<tony.gr...@gsprecision.com> wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org [mailto:owner-postfix-
us...@postfix.org] On Behalf Of Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 3:49 PM
>> Is there any way to customize the error message logged by postfix so
>> admins viewing the postfix log can see the reasons the connection
>> lost?
> how should this work? the server does NOT know why the
> CLIENT is closing the connection
The server is the one rejecting the mail because it passed a limit set
in postfix.
Not necessarily. If the client uses HELO and sends more data than the
server is willing to accept, then the server does reject the message and
logs it as such:
Oct 19 11:54:46 mail postfix/smtpd[17590]: warning: DEAAF47EE39: queue
file size limit exceeded
If the client uses EHLO and the server response includes a SIZE
statement, the client will often disconnect without issuing a command
because it knows the message is undeliverable. In this case, the server
has no information to log about why this happened.
Thanks, I bet this is what is happening. I only got the messages as logged
by the QA team when they did this test.
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sr. Member of Technical Staff
Zimbra, Inc
A Division of VMware, Inc.
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration