While a user gets a fairly meaningful message when something is bounced because they hit message_size_limit, admins running the server don't seem to:

A user gets:

<u...@zcs7.qa.qalab.com>: message size 18302670 exceeds size limit
5024000 of server zcs7-ga.qa.qalab.com[xx.xx.xx.xxx]

The admin only gets to see:

Sep 19 14:15:43 zcs7-ga postfix/smtpd[23718]: connect from
Sep 19 14:15:43 zcs7-ga postfix/smtpd[23718]: lost connection after EHLO from
Sep 19 14:15:43 zcs7-ga postfix/smtpd[23718]: disconnect from

Is there any way to customize the error message logged by postfix so admins viewing the postfix log can see the reasons the connection was lost?



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sr. Member of Technical Staff
Zimbra, Inc
A Division of VMware, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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