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On Thu, 13 Oct 2011, Roland de Lepper wrote:

I already know this, but how is the configuration? That's were i'm
struggeling with.

If you have time, please give me a short example.

I did not save all the previous messages but I think you were pretty close.

I don't have time to give syntax but it's fairly simple:
1) Postfix passes the message to content filter #1 (e.g. on port

I think you had this part with your content_filter line sending to 10025.

2) Content filter #1 passes the message to content filter #2 (e.g on
port 10026)

I can't help you here because this is a matter of how you configure content filter #1. I have no idea what that filter is but it's not part of Postfix. If you don't know how to do this, seek answers in a appropriate support forum for that software.

3) Content filter #2 passed the message back to Postfix (e.g. on port

Simply a matter of congiguring a postfix server process on that port which then completes the processing of the message. At a minimum, you need: inet n  -       n       -       -       smtpd
  -o content_filter=

Note that the "-o content_filter=" overrides the content_filter you set in so that the proccess receiving from the filters does not send it back to the filters in an infinte loop. There are probably other -o options needed but I am not enough of a Postfix expert to help you with that.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 4:17 PM, Larry Stone <>
      On Thu, 13 Oct 2011, Roland de Lepper wrote:

            I tried all sorts of examples in documentation, but
            can't seem to get this
            to work ;-(

            Even the step-by-step example in Oreilly and the
            README file of postfix
            ( doesn't
            work at my site.
            I spend already 8 hours to get this working.

            I want to filter two items:

            1) disclaimer
            2) autoresponder

            Both have to be set with -o content_filter, but only
            1 is allowed in

            Hope somebody ahs a good and working example for me?

-- Larry Stone

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