On Thu, 13 Oct 2011, Roland de Lepper wrote:
I tried all sorts of examples in documentation, but can't seem to get this
to work ;-(
Even the step-by-step example in Oreilly and the README file of postfix
(http://www.postfix.org/FILTER_README.html) doesn't work at my site.
I spend already 8 hours to get this working.
I want to filter two items:
1) disclaimer
2) autoresponder
Both have to be set with -o content_filter, but only 1 is allowed in
Hope somebody ahs a good and working example for me?
I don't have time to give syntax but it's fairly simple:
1) Postfix passes the message to content filter #1 (e.g. on port 10025)
2) Content filter #1 passes the message to content filter #2 (e.g on port
3) Content filter #2 passed the message back to Postfix (e.g. on port
-- Larry Stone