On Fri, Oct 07, 2011 at 02:20:06PM -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

> If I may make a purely subjective comment:  2.5m spooled emails on a
> single host is insane.

I tested this scale some years back, it was actually the motivation
for adding SMTP connection caching to Postfix ~2.1. If one's bulk
engine needs to absorb a flood of mail, and then (once all the mail
is queued) deliver it as expediciously as possible, then 2.5M
messages is not unrealistic.

        0. Specify a large active queue, ~50,000-100,000 messages.

        1. Configure the cleanup server to "HOLD" all incoming mail.

        2. Add "hold" to the list of hashed sub-queues.

        3. Use a hash depth of "2" if directory traversal is linear-time
           for the FS in question. For an FS with internal directory lookup
           hashes, there is less need for Postfix to duplicate the work.

        4. Allow all the inbound mail to arrive into the "hold" queue.

        5. When ready, run "postsuper -H ALL"

        6. Postfix moves all the mail into the deferred queue.

        7. Release the flood:   "postqueue -f"

Naturally, if much of this mail goes outside to places like Yahoo,
Gmail, ... one may need a fallback instance to avoid congestion in
the primary queue, and definitely needs to be whitelisted by the
various consumer mail providers.


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