On 2011-09-16 04:08, Michael Ribbons wrote:
I am using bcc_send_maps
No such option exists. You may be referring to sender_bcc_maps.
so all mail sent by POP
Ugh. Re-check your basics - POP is not a mail SENDING protocol.
is BCC to a particular address.
So all mail from @example.com is BCCd to crm_sys...@example.com
This works fine.
However when we send mail from our webshop, the mail gets BCC'd as
well, eg
mail from webs...@example.com, mail to: sa...@example.com
I think this is because the first address matches the send map spec of
However I don't want this behaviour - We are also using
bcc_recipient_maps so everything coming in to @example.com already
gets copied to crm_sys...@example.com
Again, the option is called recipient_bcc_maps.
And why use both for the same domain ? That sounds suspicously like a
broken configuration attempt.
Is there any way to tell postfix not to use bcc_send_maps for mail
sent by other sendmails?
Exclude it.
Map formats and examples are documented clearly.