Vincent Lefevre:
> On 2011-08-21 16:22:03 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
> > and how should anybody imagine what the result of the monitoring is?
> > a mail that mail is not working *laughing*
> It makes sense: the postfix monitoring system could send a mail using
> SMTP directly. If it's a postfix-related problem (not a more general
> network problem), the mail from the monitoring system should be able
> to be sent.

Since the purpose of these tests is to monitor mail system liveness,
you need an out-of-band system to send alerts when routine "ping"
email does not show up at the expected time.  Direct SMTP, a cellphone
on a USB cable, or some other mechanism.

The monitoring system could involve two cron jobs: one cron job to
send a time-stamped ping email message, and a second cron job a few
minutes later to see if that ping email message has arrived in its
mailbox/maildir file.


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