Am 21.08.2011 16:22, schrieb Roger Goh:
> Thanks for the Perl script Wolfgang
>> resource were exhausted, too many "MAILER-DAEMON" or tens of thousands
>> of stuck mails due to invalid email address (as shown by mailq)
>>> Then your configuration is partially or wholly incorrect.
> Well, it's often triggered by our mail blasting team : it's time they
> clean up those invalid email addresses (that either had moved or
> mailbox full), so it's not a postfix configuration issue

than you do something wrong

some years ago i wrote a php/perl/awk-combination with database backend
where i can define status-codes, answer-texts which are surely bounces
(sad enough that 'suer does not exist' is not standrized) and a blacklist
what must not be contained in the answer-text to filter out all variants
of "mailbox full"

this script is running every day and produces finally a non-exist list
at the end it operates with a special database-user and is looking
in EVERY database/table of every client if there is a field called
"email" and if it matches the record is removed and at the end a
reporting generated from which lcient-tables which entries are
removed with the original-server answer

additionally these addresses are stored in a table with timestammp
and the next four weeks they are triggered as invalid in every
input-form / script and if i get repeatly the same list from
the same customer a month later i take the phone and start
speaking cleartext that the must not risk our reputation or
go to another ISP which does not care

so simple the life works, and yes it takes some hours to develop such
mechanisms but at the end we have a mostly clean server without manual
work expect take a look at the reporting for false-positves to fill
the whitelist with exceptions and from time to time grep the maillog
for "status=bounced" and answers which are not in the kill-list

if you are not doing any kind of bounce-managment and sending mass
mails you are doing something badly wrong and everybody out there
has the right to blacklist you as spammer

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