> > 1. Does the install script not set the correct permissions/ownerships
> > ?? on installed files? From the logs:
> I know that the permissions are set if you do this:
> 1) untar source from mirrors at www.postfix.org
> 2) make (or "make makefiles" with documented options for LDAP, SQL, etc)
> 3) make install

That's the procedure I followed. I even created a postfix user/group and a
postdrop group, and provided the make install questionaire with this user/group.

> > 2. Why is local(8) trying to expand search_base from ldap_table(5)?
> Because *someone* turned on LDAP lookups. Postfix installed as per
> steps 1..3 above does not look up LDAP, SQL, etc. at all.

Well, that someone was me. The question was not why it it does LDAP
lookups, but merely why the value of query_filter matters for the expansion
of search_base. Specifically, ldap_table(5) states that %u and %d are
expanded to the user and domain part for the value respectively. Moreover,
if I set query_filter to mail=%s, it does a lookup in the given search_base.
If I set it to mail=%u@%d, it breaks with an 'Empty expansion of search_base'.
So, how does the setting for query_filter (which I believe corresponds to
the filter provided to ldapsearch if invoked on the command line) affect
the search base?

Did I miss out something? Or do I simply misinterpret the error message?

Sun Chong


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