* Johan Pappu <johanpa...@gmail.com>:
> How can I send 100000 mails using postfix in 5 minutes.

That's about 33 msg/sec.

Disc IO and DNS lookup speed limit SMTP. To get the disc performance people
use (good) RAID controllers and more than 4 discs (the more spindles the
better) running as RAID 10 to put the /var/spool/postfix queues on. To handle
DNS latency run a local, caching DNS resolver.

BUT... your deliverability speed depends on the receiving side too. Your
server might be able to deliver that many messages, but others likely will not
accept that many messages at a rate of 33 msg/sec or even 5 msg/sec unless
they know you and trust your server.


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saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

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