On 2/7/2011 1:22 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
Mark Alan:
A quick google search shows that, for years, Wietse have been answering
questions related with users trying to use chrooted parts of Postfix.

But, I wonder, in his machines does he use chroot or not?
Indeed I do, helped by an OS that requires few files in the postfix
jail (etc/localtime, etc/services, etc/resolv.conf, var/run/log).

The chroot feature makes sense in the hands of an expert.  Most
people aren't, and therefore the default master.cf turns it off.

For the sake of curiosity and education, why is running chroot'd Postfix complicated? I am an experienced Unix admin/system programmer generally but have never worked with chroot specifically. Is it due to particulars in Postfix requirements, or getting just chroot to work at all with any persistent server processl? Are there are lot of quirky details of /dev and /etc that have to be worked out? On a per-installation or per-kernel-iteration basis? (Linux-biased perspective sought but others welcome)

Finally, how does one use Postfix properly in the possessive? "Postfix's, Postfixs', Postfix', and Postfixes" all look wrong.


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