* Mark Alan <va...@e-healthexpert.org>:
> > > Do you know any reliable Debian/Ubuntu repositories for the
> > > newest Postfix 2.8?
> > 
> > http://debian.incertum.net/
> Thank you, but the emphasis in my question was in 'reliable'.
> A quick diff between the 2.8 sources and patches at
> http://debian.incertum.net/ and the originals at
> http://www.postfix.org/download.html
> showed significant differences that are not Debian related.
> As such and for now http://debian.incertum.net/ must be seen as its
> latin name implies incertum (=uncertain, irregular, unreliable)

Have you asked what the changes are for?

I do know Stefan Förster, the guy who runs incertum.net, personally and I
consider him to be a highly responsible and trustfull person, who acts very

If there are "significant differences that are not Debian related" Stefan
certainly has had reasons to add them.


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