Thanks Stan

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:20 PM, Stan Hoeppner <> wrote:
> Jaques Cochet put forth on 1/17/2011 12:18 AM:
>> If postfix alone is running on the server, let's say as a mail router
>> or backend delivey system, would postfix processes make use of all
>> cores? would I be left with cores doing nothing even If I have an
>> important number of emails to process?
> I think the answers you're looking:
> 1. *nix kernels all support multiprocessing
> 2. they assign available processes/threads to each CPU
> 3. Postfix uses a multiple process design
>   A.  one smtpd per concurrent client connection
>   B.  same for content filter processes
>   C.  same for smtp outbound connections
>   D.  etc etc
> 4. some Postfix processes are singular
> So, to answer your question, if you have multiple concurrent connections,
> Postfix will fork a process for each one.  Your *nix kernel will then run each
> process on any available CPU (core).  The extent to which multiprocessing will
> speed up your Postfix server will depend heavily on connection load and how 
> much
> processing you're doing on each connection (AV, AS, content filter, etc).  The
> more efficient such filters are the less you'll benefit.  If they are
> inefficient and burn a lot of cycles per process, then having multiple
> processors (cores) will be beneficial.
> Now that you understand, to some degree, how Postfix multiprocessing 'works',
> take note of what others have already told you.  In the _vast_ majority of
> situations, Postfix workload wait times and throughput are dominated by the
> speed of the disk subsystem and network, not the CPU(s).
> Take for example a typical server from just a few years ago, a 2.6 GHz single
> core AMD Opteron with 4 GB RAM, a 100FDX link, and 8*15k RPM SCSI 320 drives
> configured as RAID 10 on a hardware RAID card with 256MB BBWC used as the mail
> queue and/or mail store.
> The maximum write sink rate of the disk subsystem is 4*300 = 1200 IOS/sec.
> Assuming your logs (all logs) are being written to another device, you could
> theoretically sustain writing 1,200 emails to spool/store per second.  The 
> size
> of each email is mostly irrelevant if we're talking about average size emails
> with no attachments--2K-32K.  Now note that each email is typically written to
> the queue before being written to the mail store.  So now you're down to only
> 600 emails per second.
> That 100 FDX ethernet link can handle ~6,000 2K emails/sec and ~350 32K
> emails/sec, if my math is correct.  So for small emails the ethernet outruns 
> the
> disk, and for larger emails the disk slightly outruns the network.  Very few
> organizations have a sustained mail flow that outruns a 100FDX connection.
> So now the only question is can a single 2.6 GHz Opteron with 4GB RAM handle 
> 600
> emails/sec without running out of cycles?  This will depend largely on how 
> much
> filtering you're doing.  With a pre or post queue heavy content filter such as
> SpamAssassin doing body analysis along with an anti virus scanner, and some
> header checks thrown in, you'd probably be bumping into some CPU limits.  With
> no content filter or virus scanner, you'd likely have plenty of free CPU 
> cycles
> on this machine at 600 emails/sec.  Shared code space of the 600 smtpd 
> processes
> will keep you from running out of memory.  6.4GB/s of memory b/w is overkill 
> so
> that won't be a bottleneck.
> *600* emails/sec = 600*3600*24 = *51,840,000* emails/day.
> Now lets look at something closers to reality, for a larger organization or
> small/medium ISP:
> 50 emails/sec =  4,320,000 emails/day.
> With full on filtering that single Opteron server above should be able to 
> easily
> handle 50 emails/sec without breaking a sweat.
> So, to answer your question, thoroughly, with any modern system with a single
> core CPU of ~2.5 GHz frequency and a 300 IOPS disk subsystem, you can handle 
> 50
> emails/sec, or 4.3 million/day, and not come close to running out of CPU or 
> disk
> performance.
> At 50 emails/s you won't _need_ more than one CPU core, but if more than one 
> is
> present, your *nix OS will assign Postfix processes to each/all of them.  
> You'll
> simply have _AMPLE_  excess CPU to handle those spikes of 1200 emails/sec.  
> But
> in that case you're going to need a 16 disk version of the array mentioned 
> above
> and a GbE network link.
> So my question to you is, what is your inbound mail flow rate, and what types 
> of
> mail?  Lots of attachments or few/none, and large or small?  This will dictate
> how much CPU is consumed by your A/V scanner.  If most of the emails are spam
> and you reject them with a 5xx then you won't need nearly as much disk b/w as
> they'll never be queued.
> Lots and lots of variables in this equation.  I.e. there is no simple answer
> without knowing your mail flow.
> --
> Stan

Jaques ..

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