On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 10:34:38AM +0530, ramesh srinivas wrote:
> Sorry Noel, I will figure out the DNS issue.

That's good, but you also said

> when i send mail to x...@example.com from yahoo maillog in
> mailhub shows 554 5.7.1 (Relay access denied)

You have to take care of that problem first of all. Your new
server must accept mail from anywhere to your domain, or you
will lose mail.

>From an IP that is NOT related to your new mailserver, do:

        you execute>   telnet YOURNEWSERVER 25
        server writes> 220 rest doesn't matter
        you write>     HELO nomatter
        server writes> 250 rest doesn't matter
        you write>     MAIL FROM:<>
        server writes> 250 rest doesn't matter
        you write>     RCPT TO:<itsrames...@yahoo.co.in>
        server writes> 554 Relaying denied
        you write>     RCPT TO:<ramesh.srini...@yourdomain.in>
        server writes> 250 rest doesn't matter

If you do *NOT* get that first 554 then you are writing from a
trusted IP and the rest is meaningless. (If that happens when
writing from an IP that is not related to your server, then you
have managed to misconfigure your server as an open relay, but
that does not seem to be the problem here).

If you do not have that last 250 in reply to the RCPT TO with
the real e-mail address that you want your server to handle, but
instead a 554 Relaying denied like the previous line, then you
have misconfigured your server. It does not handle your domain.
Do not change your DNS to point MX toward the new server, or you
will bounce legitimate mail.


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