On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 01:45:37PM -0800, cmallon wrote:

> Can I safely remove this parameter from the master.cf file?
> (smtpd_recipient_restrictions); would that solve my problem and simplify
> my configuration?  Or do I need this parameter in this location because
> of the way mail is passed through the domain keys?

That depends on what restrictions you want/need to apply to port 587
vs. port 25. In


under the description of "-o" arguments, you'll find how to correctly
specify complex parameter overrides in the master.cf file.

      -o name=value
             Override  the  named  main.cf  configuration
             parameter. The parameter value can refer  to
             other parameters as $name etc., just like in
             main.cf.  See postconf(5) for syntax.

             NOTE 1: do not specify whitespace around the
             "=".   In  parameter  values,  either  avoid
             whitespace altogether, use commas instead of
             spaces,   or  consider  overrides  like  "-o
             name=$override_parameter"    with     $over-
             ride_parameter set in main.cf.

             NOTE  2: Over-zealous use of parameter over-
             rides makes the Postfix  configuration  hard
             to  understand  and  maintain.  At a certain
             point, it might be easier to configure  mul-
             tiple  instances of Postfix, instead of con-
             figuring  multiple  personalities  via  mas-

I'm reluctant to be this blunt, but you need to learn more about running
a Postfix (or some other) MTA before you take on customer traffic. There
are multiple serious issues with your MTA and you're in over your head.


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