On 27/11/2010, at 06:59, Michael J Wise wrote: >> Microsoft pay no heed to standards, ... > > Microsoft pays heed to standards, or a lot of the Internet just wouldn't work.
This does seem a bit funny, given the subject under discussion. I understand that it is a big gorilla, and hard to turn on a dime, if at all. I also understand that it is a complex infrastructure consisting of a mix of frontend and backend servers, load balancers etcetera. But put your money where your mouth is, I'd say ;-) Working 'postmaster' accounts for the 'frontbridge.com' and 'bigfish.com' domains, read by clueful people would be a good start, instead of the bounce I got when we tried to report the PIPELINING issue on November 8th; <postmas...@frontbridge.com>: host[] said: 550 <postmas...@frontbridge.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table (in reply to RCPT TO command) Reporting-MTA: dns; mail15-tx2-R.bigfish.com X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 295AE2E03D4 X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; supp...@ur.nl Arrival-Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 21:18:23 +0000 (UTC) Or the runaround we got when we tried alternate channels to report a problem, last year, with missing DNS records for some of the nodes in the cluster. The person it eventually got to wanted to know why we wanted to contact 'postmas...@bigfish.com', when he got the (fully documented) problem right there in the same e-mail. Another November 8th, actually, perhaps that's just a bad date over there ;-) We currently have a '*.bigfish.com' exception in place for our EHLO resolve check, and for the PIPELINING problem we've got this in our 'main.cf'; == # Added to deal with MS Frontbridge madness (2010/11/08 21:50) smtp_discard_ehlo_keywords = pipelining == I bet most of the people here are not interested in Microsoft bashing, they just want to keep the spice flowing. And given Microsoft's history, this being ANOTHER problem in a long line of issues the average mail admin has had to deal with with regard to Microsoft products and services, without being able to get a proper response from a human being ... perhaps you can understand where some of that frustration originates :-) Anyway, thanks for the response, and the effort you're putting in. Hope you'll be able to make a fix happen. Cya, Jona