On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:27:56PM -0600, Larry Stone wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Nov 2010, Chris G wrote:
> >Yes, I realise that "It connects from" but I can find no
> >reason at all *why* the postfix server process on mws.zbmc.eu thinks
> >that the connection is from
> Because that's where it came from.
> >
> >Wherever I look on my LAN the IP address of dps.zbmc.eu is reported
> >as  From the outside world dps.zbmc.eu is non-existent.
> >So where is the postfix on mws.zbmc.eu getting the address
> >for dps.zbmc.eu?
> >
> >Alternatively (and this seems more likely to me) the postfix on
> >mws.zbmc.eu is seeing the connection come from zbmc.eu for some reason
> >and that *does* resolve to  What I'm asking is *why* it's
> >seeing the connection from zbmc.eu even though I have set everything
> >that I can see to say it's dps.zbmc.eu.
> I think you have the relationship reversed. The connection came from
>, not from some hostname. Postfix knows the TCP/IP
> address the connection comes from and translates that to a hostname
> for logging and restriction purposes. The way you wrote the above
> says (at least to me) that you think Postfix gets a hostname and
> turns that into a TCP/IP address.
OK, then what I need to know is why the postfix on is
reporting itself (or, to be more correct, the connection reports itself)
as being from is the IP of zbmc.eu, there's no system on my LAN which
claims to have this IP address.  A reverse look-up of gives
84-45-228-40.static.enta.net which is my ISP's ADSL.  Looking up
zbmc.eu on an outside system returns (as it should)

So where is there a system sending this mail which appears to be 

>From what I can see in the logs the mail isn't going out to the outside
world and coming back in, it's just going from to

Chris Green

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