On 27.10.2010 19:30, Mark Martinec wrote:
Rok Potočnik writes:
and last but not least... postqueue -p and wish of printing out sender's
ip address:
I really miss a possibility of postqueue to print out client's IP
address, sometimes it would really help me out debugging some problems
and even though it would be possible to find it out using processing the
maillog for the last couple of days... but still...

Seems to me that this feature request would fit naturally into Victor's
'qshape' program (written in perl, posted here a long time ago but still
very useful).  Similar to its -s option, a new option could request a
display by a log_client_address (or whatever is the most suitable

Its current 'usage' help page:

Usage: /usr/local/bin/qshape [ -s ] [ -f ] [ -p ] [ -m<min_subdomains>  ] [ -l ]
         [ -b<bucket_count>  ] [ -t<bucket_time>  ] [ -w<terminal_width>  ]
         [ -N<batch_msg_count>  ] [ -n<batch_top_domains>  ]
         [ -c<config_directory>  ] [<queue_name>  ... ]
The 's' option shows sender domain counts.
The 'f' option uses a content filter as the recipient domain.
The 'p' option shows address counts by for parent domains.
Parent domains are shown with a leading '.' before the domain name.
Parent domains are only shown if the the domain is not a TLD, and at
least<min_subdomains>  (default 5) subdomains are shown in the output.

The bucket age ranges in units of<bucket_time>  minutes are
[0,1), [1,2), [2,4), [4,8), [8, 16), ... i.e.:
         the first bucket is [0, bucket_time) minutes
         the second bucket is [bucket_time, 2*bucket_time) minutes
         the third bucket is [2*bucket_time, 4*bucket_time) minutes...
'-l' makes the ages linear, the number of buckets shown is<bucket_count>

The default summary is for the incoming and active queues. An explicit
list of queue names can be given on the command line. Non-absolute queue
names are interpreted relative to the Postfix queue directory. Use
<config_directory>  to specify a non-default Postfix instance.  Values of
the main.cf queue_directory parameter that use variable expansions are
not supported. If necessary, use explicit absolute paths for all queues.

Mark, even though qshape gives some excellent statistical information about queue usage it lacks the most important thing I'd need - queue id of each 'sender IP' email. Your proposal would expose client's IP address that sends the most deferred messages, but afterwards I should still parse the log file. I belive the best solution would be if both postqueue -p *and* qshape would provide me with client's IP...

BR, Rok

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