Le samedi 23 octobre 2010 à 21:58 -0500, Stan Hoeppner a écrit :

> David Touzeau put forth on 10/23/2010 3:20 PM:
> > Yes i heard about VPN but in some cases in a big environnement you
> > cannot play with networks and firewalls as you like.
> > And there is a lot of remote sites to discuss, create VPN trought all
> > theses remote sites is to complicated to maintain.
> > 
> > yes i need to find a plugin like djigzo but djigzo is too heavy product
> > (postgrey, web server... ) that requires too much components to
> > implement
> You want a solution to your technical requirement.  Many have been
> recommended that will meet your goals.  However, you find them all too
> difficult or complex or painful to implement for reasons x,y,z.
> You're going to have to pick one, and none of them are going to be
> particularly "easy" or pain free to implement, not if you're talking
> about dozens or hundreds of remote sites.  Did you think this encryption
> project would be easy?  Just change one setting in main.cf on each
> server and be done?  Heheh.  Reality checks suck.
> I'm really curious about something.  Your superiors are fearful of
> wiretapping/eavesdropping of your SMTP session packets as they flow
> across a public network, the internet.  By the same token, aren't they
> worried about all other manner of documents being transmitted to remote
> offices via SMB/CIFS, FTP, HTTP?  Or is your company one of those that
> sends _everything_ as email attachments, sorta like most Lotus Notes
> shops? ;)
> And, lastly, how is your environment this "big", as you say, in 2010,
> with so many remote sites, and you've never implemented a VPN?  And if
> SMTP encryption is so important to your superiors, how do you not have
> "buy in" from the networking group?  In fact, if this encryption is so
> crucial to management, why didn't they simply go to the networking group
> and tell them to build a VPN?
> We can't properly help you if we don't have the full story, or, at
> least, a significant portion of it.  A tyrannical government isn't the
> reason for wanting this encryption is it?

Many thanks guys for this discuss, i have now pro and cons about using
crypted protocol against "crypted datas". now the deal is to explain
during a meeting what is the good way to perform a set of encrypted
communication in a large environnement.

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