Tom Kinghorn:
>   On 2010/10/13 03:18 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
> > On 2010-10-12 4:04 PM, Jeroen Geilman wrote:
> >
> > There is nothing wrong with him asking, and it is not really any of your
> > business why he wants to do it, although explaining why might reveal
> > that there is an alternative way to accomplish his goal...
> >
> Thank you Charles.
> The reason I would like to do this was so that I could add my abuse 
> email address as a recipient on any mail which is spam.
> That way, I could scan the actual email with spamassassin using the 
> testing mechanism provided.
> I have some strange emails which keep getting passed by 
> spamassassin(amavisd-new)
> This would assist in rule writing.
> Thanks once again.

How do you find out that mail is spam before Postfix delivers it?
There may other ways to influence the delivery path.


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