On 09/20/2010 09:29 AM, Simon Waters wrote:
> On Monday 20 September 2010 14:18:16 Kammen van, Marco, Springer SBM NL wrote:
>> Not really Postfix related, but maybe you can share your thoughts...
> Definitely not Postfix related.
>> As far as I understand from the whole SPF perspective, shouldn't a Soft
>> Fail be a 4** error and re-try, 
> Softfail introduces ambiguity as to whether an email is forged or not and 
> then 
> leaves the decision to the receiving server, so one shouldn't be surprised in 
> this spam rich world if they choose to reject it.

If you're going to try to contact the recipient, this might help:


but I would probably just fix the SPF record.

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