* Seann <nombran...@tsukinokage.net>:
>  On 9/3/2010 4:16 PM, Victor Duchovni wrote:
> >On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 04:07:13PM -0500, Seann wrote:
> >
> >>>Enable LDAP debugging to see more logging. The OpenLDAP library will
> >>>return this error when the peer certificate CommonName does not match
> >>>the hostname you specify, but there could be other errors.
> >>>
> >>>>When I use the LDAPS URI, I get this:
> >>>>
> >>>>Sep  2 09:46:55 server postfix/postmap[4659]: warning: dict_ldap_connect:
> >>>>Unable to bind to server ldaps://AD.domain.net:636 as CN=admin,CN=Users,
> >>>>DC=domain,DC=net: -1 (Can't contact LDAP server)
> >>>Is anyone home on port 636? Does "openssl s_client" work?
> >>>
> >>Yes, there is a listener on 636, as I use it for other LDAPS queries. I
> >>haven't a clue how to turn on debuging for LDAP, is it the same flags as
> >>the main postfix system debugging?
> >http://www.postfix.org/ldap_table.5.html describes the "debuglevel"
> >parameter. The value "2" seems to be a useful level of LDAP verbosity.
> >
> Sorry, I went back and RTFM, and found that. "TLS certificate
> verification: Error, unable to get local issuer certificate" is my
> new debug error that I am using Google to find out best places to
> look. I have the site CA file listed in the config, etc, so I am not
> sure why I get this error.

Is Postfix in a group that is allowed to access and read certs? 
In Debian/Ubuntu you would install ssl-cert and add Postfix to the ssl-cert


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saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

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