Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 02:45:41PM -0500, Seann wrote:

My current issue with Postfix is that I am not able to get the LDAP account mapping to work correctly with my Active Directory security settings.

Postfix supports LDAP servers that offer:

    - No authentication, allowing anonymous queries
    - Simple password authentication (possibly via TLS).
    - Client cert authentication (via TLS).

My AD LDAP system requires strong authentication, by means of SASL signing of the LDAP connections, as outlined in this document:

The Postfix LDAP driver does not support LDAP SASL mechanisms other than

I can't get Postfix to connect VIA SSL (Which is my usual work around since it seems only Samba does this, by way of client ldap sasl wrapping = sign in the configuration).

Postfix supports TLS connections to LDAP, either "LDAP" inside SSL
("ldaps") or STARTTLS over LDAP.

# Server config
server_host = ldap://

If you are not using an SSL-specific LDAP port, you need to
use "start_tls = yes" to enable TLS over LDAP.

search_base = CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=net
version = 3
start_tls = no
query_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(|(mail=%s)(othermailbox=%s)))
result_attribute = samaccountname
result_format = %s/Mail/
bind = yes
bind_dn = CN=admin,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=net
bind_pw = p...@s$w0rd
tls_cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt
tls_key = /etc/pki/tls/private/server.key
tls_ca_cert_file = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca_domain.crt
tls_require_cert = no
tls_random_file = /dev/urandom

So, what happens when you enable TLS?

When start_tls = yes, my error is:
Sep 2 09:46:03 server postfix/postmap[4650]: error: dict_ldap_connect: Unable to set STARTTLS: -11: Connect error

When I use the LDAPS URI, I get this:

Sep 2 09:46:55 server postfix/postmap[4659]: warning: dict_ldap_connect: Unable to bind to server ldaps:// as CN=admin,CN=Users,
DC=domain,DC=net: -1 (Can't contact LDAP server)

With normal LDAP, no SASL wrapping requirement it works without an issue.


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