Andy Dills wrote:
On Thu, 27 May 2010, Wietse Venema wrote:
Andy Dills:
I've been investigating postscreen, as we've been address probed/bombed
for years, as we have a few domains that are very old (well, early 90s)
that had a lot of users back in the dialup days. Our approach was to just
throw hardware at the problem, and we've had a whole cluster of servers
just sending out 550s all day long for years now.
We don't do any RBL checks at the postfix level; we have amavisd-new
handle all of that via spamassassin. I'm hesitant to allow a single
blacklist to determine the fate of mail acceptance, especially when we
have a very low false negative rate with amavisd/SA. Essentially, we'd
rather throw hardware at the problem than potentially reject legit mail.
My primary question is, would we see significant improvement by using
postscreen if we don't use RBLs?
In my experience, the "pregreet" check kills off 50% of the zombies.
Of course malware will "improve" and I expect to add deeper protocol
checks (command pipelining, greylist) in anticipation.
That seems worth investigating, thank you. I appreciate how you're
evolving postfix to address this (and the improvements to handle content
filtering pre-queue, we will be moving to that once amavisd-new is more
mature with regards to that).
Also, would postscreen_cache_map work with a mysql backend?
postscreen needs very low latency (I put in explicit tests for
this). Also, postscreen requires read, write, iterate support
which is implemented only for file-based databases.
If table access requires 10ms, then postscreen can handle only 100
connection requests per second. You would be better off not using
postscreen and instead turning up the number of smtpd processes.
That makes sense. I was just looking for a way to provide some "shared
knowledge" among the servers in the cluster.
Run a cron job that checks for changes in the RDBMS and then rebuilds
the postscreen_cache_map "files" if needed.
Andy Dills
Xecunet, Inc.