Am 27.05.2010 15:34, schrieb Andy Dills:
> I've been investigating postscreen, as we've been address probed/bombed 
> for years, as we have a few domains that are very old (well, early 90s) 
> that had a lot of users back in the dialup days. Our approach was to just 
> throw hardware at the problem, and we've had a whole cluster of servers 
> just sending out 550s all day long for years now.

same here, old short domains, openrelays in early times
but checked to handle it with one machine, but of course yours might be
more spammy at all
> We don't do any RBL checks at the postfix level; 

why do you not use selective rbl checks, only for dynip etc, as well as
greylisting, there are a lot good cheap tricks with restictions that
should help

and/or perhaps use recent with iptables and/or fail2ban

we have amavisd-new
> handle all of that via spamassassin. I'm hesitant to allow a single 
> blacklist to determine the fate of mail acceptance, especially when we 
> have a very low false negative rate with amavisd/SA. Essentially, we'd 
> rather throw hardware at the problem than potentially reject legit mail.

amavis should not gamble a lot with spam/virus until if you have good
checks before it
i have one support ticket a week i.e.
by 3000 Mailboxes, mostly problems of the sender, extrem rare rbl
related, nothing that cant be handeled easy

> My primary question is, would we see significant improvement by using 
> postscreen if we don't use RBLs?

as far i know postscreen should help anyway
but you should measure aud investigate your logs if a cheap/short 550
is more usefull sometimes

> Also, would postscreen_cache_map work with a mysql backend?

dont think so, but gurus should know exactly

> Thanks,
> Andy
> ---
> Andy Dills
> Xecunet, Inc.
> 301-682-9972
> ---

after all dont expect spammers/bots will give up only
cause you have new antispam features integrated
you may clean up your logs and/or need less resources
but at my spam domains , spam traffic was never
related to what antispam feature i ever integrated
it was always in waves

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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